Why Search? |
Searching allows you to find a specific user, organization, or profile.
User Searches You may have noticed that there are two user searches. These are very similar in nature. The only exception is that the batch search allows you to easily search and add multiple users to Batch Delegations and Authorizations.
Organizational Searches There are also two organizational searches. One is used for Batch Delegations.
Profile Search There is only one profile search. This is helpful if you need to find a specific profile in ADAM.
To conduct efficient searches in ADAM, remember to enter as many search criterion as you can. The narrower you make your search, the quicker it will be!
What are the User Information, Confirm User & Organizational Information pages for? |
User Information This page allows you to review a user's contact information. The page will differ slightly depending on whether the user has an IDIR or BCeID.
Confirm User This page is used to confirm details associated with a specific User ID. The page will differ slightly depending on whether the user has an IDIR or BCeID. This page is displayed automatically when a User ID must be confirmed in ADAM. For example, if you are in the process of creating a new authorization, delegation, or Application Administrator and you have entered the User ID manually, you must confirm the User ID to ensure you have entered the correct user.
Organizational Information This page is used to display details of an organization.