Delegation History


This page is used to display the history of a delegation.


This page allows you to review the history of a specific delegation.  This page shows details of the delegation as well as the date and time of the following actions:

  • the creation of the delegation

  • the update of the delegation

  • the deletion of the delegation

Access the page:

This page is displayed automatically once the View History button is clicked on the View/Update Delegation page.

How to:

The top portion of the page displays rows of data corresponding to the actions which have been taken on the delegation.  The bottom portion of the page is dynamic.  It changes based on the row you have selected in the top portion of the page.

Select a row in the top portion of the page by clicking anywhere on the data for that row.  The row will be highlighted in yellow.

Notice that the bottom portion of the page - the Delegation History - now changes to display the details of the row selected.

For example, if you click the row when the action is:

  • Create, then you will be able to see the delegation details at the time of creation.

  • Update, then you will be able to see the delegation details for that update.

Below is a screen print which shows a sample Delegation History page in ADAM.