Manage Acceptance


This page is used to search for and review Electronic Agreements in ADAM.  From this page, you can select the Delegation Agreement you wish to accept (provided the agreement is assigned to you).


Electronic Agreements are displayed based on the search criteria entered.  Agreements displayed include both those which have and have not been accepted.

Access the page:

You may access this page by clicking the Manage Acceptance link from the left navigation.  This page can be accessed by all users except for an End User.  

How to:

Follow these steps to use this page:

Enter your search criteria using the following:

  • User ID

  • Organization

  • Electronic Agreement

Click the Search button to perform the search.

All agreements, matching your search criteria, are displayed in the bottom portion of the page.

  • Both agreements which have and have NOT been accepted are displayed.

You may click:

  • A User ID to examine additional details about a user.  The User Information page is displayed.

  • An Agreement Name or the Exclamation Mark icon to examine additional details about the agreement.  The Electronic Agreement Acceptance page is displayed.

  • An Organization Name to examine additional details about the organization.  The Organization Information page is displayed.

In the example screen below, click on the underlined name of a field or a button.  A pop-up window appears with explanations and information on terms.


ADAM 340 - Manage Agreements Acceptance


Query By User





 User Search







 Organization Search





Electronic Agreement
















Results 1 - 2 of 2.

Results Page: 1









For Organization





IAPP Delegation Agreement

Bedrock Inc.





FTA Delegation Agreement

Bedrock Inc.