Confirm User


This page is used to confirm details associated with a specific User ID.


This page displays details for a specific User ID.  Information on this page is display only.

Access the page:

This page is displayed automatically when a User ID must be confirmed in ADAM.  For example, if you are in the process of creating a new authorization, delegation, or Application Administrator and you have entered the User ID manually, you must confirm the User ID to ensure you have entered the correct user.

How to:

Review the user details displayed.  If these are:

  • correct, click the Continue button.

  • incorrect, click the Back button.


This page will not display the Employee field for BCeID Users.  Instead, the Business Legal Name field will be displayed.

Note that user details are set in the Authentication System (the BCeID or IDIR directory) and cannot be modified in ADAM.

In the example screen below, click on the underlined name of a field or a button.  A pop-up window appears with explanations and information on terms.


ADAM 711 - Confirm User


User ID








Source Directory








User Name

Harrison A Ford







Display Name

Ford, Harrison















Email Address







Phone Number








User Expires

Never Expires








