How To

This module is useful for you, if you would like to learn how to:

  • Check the status of a registrant's eligibility to bid on timber sales.

If you are wondering why or when you should check a registrants eligibility, click here.

Check Eligibility

Follow these steps to check the eligibility of a registrant in BCTS Admin:

  1. Ensure you are properly logged onto BCTS Admin.
  2. Click the Check Eligibility button on either the Timber Sale Bids screen or the Registrant screen.
  3. The Eligibility screen displays.

    You can not edit the information that displays on the Eligibility screen. This is a read-only screen.

  4. You should verify that you have selected the screen for the proper Client by examining the Client Number & Client Name fields.
  5. You must verify that no fields on this form have a check-mark present. If a check-mark is present, the registrant is not eligible to be awarded the Timber Sale.

    Eligibility Check

    What does it mean?

    3 or More Active Sales

    Checks the number of ACTIVE sales the Registrant is associated with. This field will be checked if the Registrant has been the successful bidder on three or more sales.

    Tip: There is a button beside this field which you can click to display the Active Sales Display screen. This screen lists the Licences currently held by the registrant.

    License Under Suspension

    This field is checked if the registrant is associated with a license that is suspended. This data is set in the FTA SYSTEM.

    Tip: There is a button beside this field which you can click to display the Suspended License Display screen. This screen lists the suspended licenses for the registrant.

    Is a Category 2, and has No Debarker Chipper

    This category indicates if the registrant has a sawmill (category 2) but does not have a Debarker Chipper (DC) or a DC Exemption. If this is true, the registrant is ineligible.

    Registration Expired

    If a registrant is passed their expiry date, they are ineligible.

    Registrant is Disqualified

    If a registrant has a "Disqualified to Date" and the current date is prior to this date, then the registrant is disqualified and is, therefore, ineligible.

    Registrant is Deactivated

    If a registrant has a "Deactivated Date" and the current date is after this date, the registrant is ineligible.

    Registration and Sale Category Do Not Match

    If the category of the Timber Sale Screen does not match the category of the Registrant Screen, then the registrant is ineligible.

    Tip: This check is only performed when the Eligibility screen is accessed from the Timber Sale Bids screen.

    Insufficient Deposit

    If the deposit provided by the registrant is less than the deposit required for the Timber Sale, then this field is checked and the registrant is, therefore, ineligible.

    Tip: This check is only performed when the Eligibility screen is accessed from the Timber Sale Bids screen.

  6. Remember, Eligibility Checks also need to be completed outside of the BCTS Admin System. For example, you need to check with the Ministry of Provincial Revenue to ensure that the registrant does not have any overdue accounts!

  7. You can close the Eligibility screen by clicking the X in the top right corner of the window. This will return you to the form you were previously on.


Sample Screen

You can see a sample of the screen used to check the eligibility of a registrant by clicking on the computer!

Show Me

This is your opportunity to see in motion the steps for checking the eligibility of a registrant in BCTS Admin. This demo is recommended for the following audiences:

  • First time BCTS Admin user - (I've never used the Check Eligibility feature in BCTS Admin...)
  • Users needing a refresher - (I knew how to do it 12 months ago, but...)

Demonstration of Checking Eligibility of a Registrant

The Check Eligibility Demo will walk you through the steps you need to check the eligibility of a registrant in BCTS Admin. The demo is a movie that you watch! If your computer has sound capabilities, turn your volume on and you will be able to hear the sound that accompanies the movie.

When you are ready to begin, click the binoculars!



Are you having trouble viewing the demo?

Can't see the screen? If you can't see the bottom part of the demo or navigation try pressing your F11 key. It narrows your browser tool bar giving your screen more space to play the demo. To return back from this state press F11.

Click here for other set-up instructions and to learn about demo navigation.


Why are some of the fields not available when I access the Check Eligibility screen?
If you access the Check Eligibility screen from the Registrant screen you will notice that the following fields are not available:

  • Registration and Sale Category Do Not Match &
  • Insufficient Deposit.

These fields are only available when you access the Check Eligibility screen from the Timber Sale Bids screen. This is because these fields are only relevant if you are checking a registrants eligibility for a specific Timber Sale.

You have completed the Check Eligibility Module, you are ready to start the Add/Edit a Bid Module. Click here to navigate there!