does it mean?
3 or More
Active Sales
Checks the
number of ACTIVE sales the Registrant is associated with.
This field will be checked if the Registrant has been
the successful bidder on three or more sales.
There is a button beside this field which you can click
to display the Active Sales Display screen. This
screen lists the Licences currently held by the registrant.
Under Suspension
This field
is checked if the registrant is associated with a license
that is suspended. This data is set in the FTA SYSTEM.
There is a button beside this field which you can click
to display the Suspended License Display screen.
This screen lists the suspended licenses for the registrant.
Is a Category
2, and has No Debarker Chipper
This category
indicates if the registrant has a sawmill (category 2)
but does not have a Debarker Chipper (DC) or a DC Exemption.
If this is true, the registrant is ineligible.
If a registrant
is passed their expiry date, they are ineligible.
is Disqualified
If a registrant
has a "Disqualified to Date" and the current
date is prior to this date, then the registrant is disqualified
and is, therefore, ineligible.
is Deactivated
If a registrant
has a "Deactivated Date" and the current date
is after this date, the registrant is ineligible.
and Sale Category Do Not Match
If the category
of the Timber Sale Screen does not match the category
of the Registrant Screen, then the registrant is ineligible.
This check is only performed when the Eligibility
screen is accessed from the Timber Sale Bids screen.
If the deposit
provided by the registrant is less than the deposit required
for the Timber Sale, then this field is checked and the
registrant is, therefore, ineligible.
This check is only performed when the Eligibility
screen is accessed from the Timber Sale Bids screen.