New Authorization


This page is used to add a new authorization to ADAM.  An authorization allows you to authorize an End User (including yourself) to access and perform specific tasks/functions in a specified application.  An authorization may also be for a specified organization.

An Authorization specifies a:

  • User;

  • Profile; and,

  • Organization (if applicable).


Note:  A profile includes the application.



A new authorization (End User) is created.

Access the page:

To access this page:

  • Select New Authorization from the left navigation bar.

If the New Authorization link is NOT visible in your left navigation bar then you are not authorized to add an authorization in ADAM.  You must have the Authorization Grantor authority in ADAM to add authorizations.

Tip:  Understanding Tabs

There are three tabs that are displayed at the top of this page.  The tab corresponding to the page you are on is shown in white.  Clicking a gray tab will navigate you to the corresponding page.  These pages are all used to create authorizations as follows:

  • Single - this page allows you to create a single authorization.

  • Wizard - this is a series of pages which allow you to create a single authorization.  These pages are user friendly and easy to use.  If you are new to ADAM, it is highly recommended that you use these pages to create authorizations.

  • Batch - this page allows you to create an authorization for multiple users, profiles, and/or organizations.

How to:

Follow these steps to use this page:

Click the New Authorization link.  You are navigated to the Create a New Authorization - Single page.

Enter the User ID of the user you wish to add an authorization for in the Authorize User field.  The User ID must be preceded by the domain (e.g. idir\jsmith).  If you use the Magnifying Glass icon, the domain will be automatically entered for you.

Note:  If you are having trouble finding a Business BCeID User, read this tip:  Business BCeID Special Action.

Select the profile for this authorization using the Access to Profile field.

Specify the organization (if applicable) for this authorization using the For Organization field.  This is the organization that the user will access the application on behalf of.  Be sure you specify an organization which is currently effective.  See the Organization Information page if you are uncertain.

  • If you are unable to access this field, it is due to the profile you have selected.  The profile selected may not be secured by organization. For example, a viewer or read only profile is often not secured by organization because this profile is often meant to allow an End User to see data for all organizations in an application.  You can learn more about the requirement to select an organization by visiting the Understanding the Profile and Organization Link help page.

  • If you are able to access this field, but the organization you require is not listed, be sure you have accepted all required Delegation Agreements.

Enter the date you wish the authorization to come into effect using the Effective field.  

  • If you would like the authorization to come into effect immediately, check the Immediately Checkbox and do not enter an Effective Date.

Enter the date you wish the authorization to end using the Expires field.  

  • If you would like the authorization to remain active indefinitely, check the Never Expires Checkbox and do not enter an Expiry Date.

Click the Enabled Checkbox to activate the authorization.

Enter any applicable notes in the Comment field.

Complete the Notification section of the page if you want the End User to receive email notification of his/her authorization.

Click the Add Authorization button.

Group Authorizations

If you have been delegated the ability to create Group Authorizations, you will notice that this page contains an Authorization Type field.  You must select the radio button next to Group if you wish to create a group authorization.  

The Authorize Group field displays.  Use this field to select the user group you wish to create the authorization for.  Once the authorization has been completed, all members of this group will have this authorization.

If you have not been delegated the ability to create Group Authorizations, but require this ability, then you will need to request the Authorization Grantor - Group (ADAM_GROUPGRANTOR) profile.  Visit the What are ADAM Profiles? page of this guide to learn more about ADAM Profiles.  

In the example screen below, click on the underlined name of a field or a button.  A pop-up window appears with explanations and information on terms.


ADAM 120S - Create a New Authorization



Single / Wizard / Batch






Authorize User

   User Search







Access To Profile








For Organization

   Organization Search

















Never Expires  









































Send Email








CC Self








Email Message








Add Authorization